Helping Equestrians Meet Their Riding Goals....

MEA Haven offers Standard board, Full Care board and Lay-up board. The farm features include:
12 x 12 matted stalls
Indoor and outdoor wash stalls with hot and cold water
Sand and rubber outdoor ring with lights
Dustless indoor ring
System wide fly sprayer
Security cameras
Heated and A/C lounge which looks into the indoor ring
Personalized turn-out for each horse
Lesson and/or training programs that are tailored to fit each horse and rider combination

Includes daily stall cleaning, fresh bedding as needed, top quality Southern States feed, ground flax and free choice hay, fresh water, customized turnout and blanketing, as weather permits.
2 hot/cold wash stalls.
Standard supplies included are clean towels, baby pads, polos, leg wraps, and fuzzy girths.
Additionally, a system wide fly sprayer, individual fly spray, shampoo, show sheen tack cleaning laundry and restroom supplies are also provided.
Full-Care Board

Full Board includes all of the basic care included in MEA's standard boarding, Daily grooming, show trims, holding for vet and farrier.
Full training board to include full board, plus professional rides at home and lessons.
Additional day fee for lay-ups that are more then 3 days (injuries, loss of shoes etc.). This fee covers the extra expenses such as hay, bedding and labor.